Attendance Pic
Services – Volunteers of America LA


You can begin creating good attendance habits for your child in preschool that will set them up for success in school and in life. The Attendance Works website and following flyers provide information on the importance of early attendance for children’s success and strategies to help develop strong attendance. Please share with your family and friends!


There are many reasons attendance is important for your child.  It can affect all the other children and the services provided.  Following is some good information on why it matters.

Attendance Works

Attendance Works Website:

Build the Habit of Good Attendance:

Attendance in Early Grades:

Ready for the Big Adventure:

Parent Request for Attendance Records

If you would like a copy of your child’s attendance records, please fill out the following form and either bring it in to your child’s school or email it to


Please note: We keep records for enrolled families only.