WIC, CalFresh, Food Banks, and Farmers Markets

As the Nutrition Department, we are dedicated to ensuring that our families have access to ample nutritious foods. Therefore, we have a few resources here to help our families stay enrolled in WIC and CalFresh and benefit from other resources like Market Match and Mas Fresco.

WIC (Women, Infant, and Children)

- WIC is a great resource for all our families. The program offers food, nutrition related resources and referrals for families with children 5 and under including pregnancy of low to medium income. For families interested in learning more about WIC you may find the flyer in English and Spanish below.


- WIC Income Guidelines (PDF)


- WIC website (Link)


- Shopping with your WIC card (English / Spanish)


- The CalFresh Program (formerly known as “Food Stamps”) helps low-income households increase their food buying power to meet their household’s Nutritional needs. Benefits are issued through Electronic Benefit Transfer, also known as EBT card, and can be used in grocery stores and participating farmers Markets. To enroll in CalFresh or gather more information, visit the Calfresh website.


If you are interested in applying for CalFresh or looking to re-enroll in the program. You may contact the promotoras from National Health Foundation, Fortina Fernandez at (213) 910-5822 or Gilda Sion (213) 399-1619. You may also find a flyer in English and Spanish below.


- National Health Foundation - CalFresh Enrollment Assistance Flyer (PNG)


- Myths and Facts about CalFresh (PDF)


- Cal Fresh Brochure (English / Spanish)

Farmers Markets participating in Market Match

- Market Match is a program that allows families to use their WIC and/or Cal Fresh benefits at their local farmer’s market and earn further benefits by making qualifying purchases. To find out more about how it works, click here. If you would like to find a qualifying Farmer’s Market near you, you may click here. Once you enter your zip code, you will see a list of Farmer’s Markets near you, whether they accept WIC and Cal Fresh, if they match funds, and how much they match in funds. Taking your family to the farmer’s market is an excellent idea for a family outing where you can talk to your child about where fruits and vegetables come from and have them choose a few new fruits and vegetables to try that week!

Food Banks

- Food Banks Webpage: 


- Food Bank Guide | Chirp LA (PDF)

Mas Fresco

- Mas Fresco/More Fresh program provides rebate dollars to Cal Fresh participants who enroll in this program, who can earn anywhere from $2 to $4 rebate dollars for every Cal Fresh benefit dollar used on fruits and vegetables at participating Northgate Gonzalez Markets. Participants may earn up to $100 in rebates per month. You may visit masfresco.org to learn more about the program and find participating stores.